Ever since humans began to hunt until the present day, our lives have been dependent on other life forms for civilisation to continue. The basis of what we eat, wear and dwell in have all benefited both directly and indirectly from the animal world. This is a history that continues to endure, to a point when we have gotten used to taking this situation for granted. We have become numbed, unaware, and complacent and this fosters a human arrogance that has led to the extinction of many species, one of the endless list of problems around the world.
Woolen fabrics are produced mainly by animal hair. In its manufacturing process, scraps are always generated. That contains the exact same genes and DNA as the animal hair from which they are made. In other words, they are an extension of the same life. Upon seeing a pile of fabric selvedges in a corner of the weaving factory, a simple thought came impulsively into mind: why not breathe life into them?
“ANIMA FORMA” translates into “shape of the soul” in Latin, a name born literally from the idea of animism. “ANIMA FORMA” is an art project that scraps from the manufacturing processes of woolen fabrics are given a lease of life as they are revived into the woolens (animal). This is a small step towards cleansing in my own way of feeling guilty about discarded objects, and I believe that this will surely lead to the cleansing of the entire planet.
ラテン語で「魂のカタチ」という意味の「ANIMA FORMA」(アニマ・フォルマ)。文字通りアニミズムの考えから生まれました。ANIMA FORMAは、獣毛生地の生産過程で廃棄される端材に命を吹き込み、新たな毛物(獣)として蘇生させるアートプロジェクトです。捨てられるモノに対する後ろめたい気持ちを、自分なりのやり方で浄化させることは小さな一歩ですが、地球全体の浄化にきっとつながると信じています。