Intersection of the Midnight Sun

The first time I visited Finland was right after I graduated from university. I majored in print design at university, and I had a simple way of thinking that print meant Finland, and Finland meant Marimekko, and back then the internet wasn't as popular as it is now, and I didn't even have an iPhone. I didn't know how Marimekko was recruiting designers in the first place, so I headed into Marimekko's head office with my portfolio in hand. Now that I think about it, that was the only job hunting experience of my life, but the result goes without saying. I returned home with the realization that this was not the direction I was meant to go. After spending about a year in Japan, I finally got a job in industrial design.

This year, 16 years after that, I visited Finland again to exhibit ANIMA FORMA. This is my second visit. By then, I had visited Europe several times for work and sightseeing, and I could have gone to Finland if I had wanted to, but I probably naturally avoided it. Without realizing it, Finland was etched in my mind as a negative memory. However, this stay was different from the last one as each day was fulfilling, and I was able to successfully overwrite the negative memories from last time.

During my stay in Finland this time, I passed by my old self several times. Every time we passed each other, I was reminded of various things that had happened in my life up until now. My thinking process hasn't changed much between then and now. However, since I graduated from university, I have gained a lot of experience through work, and I think my skills have improved the more I have experienced it. At the same time, I was terrified that time was passing by so quickly. (This fear often attacks me at random moments every day.) This journey made me think once again that I should live the rest of my life in a way that makes it more meaningful. Kiitos FINLAND!



そしてあれから16年経った今年、ANIMA FORMAを展示するため再びフィンランドを訪れた。これが2度目の訪問。それまでに仕事や観光などでヨーロッパには幾度か訪れていたし、フィンランドにも行こうと思えば行けたのだけれど、たぶん自然と避けていたのだ。知らず知らずのうちに私の中でフィンランドは、ネガティブメモリーとして刻まれていた。しかし、今回の滞在は、毎日充実した日々で前回とは似て非なるものとなり、前回のネガティブメモリーを無事上書き保存することに成功した。

今回のフィンランド滞在中、何度かあの時の自分とすれ違った。すれ違う度に今までの自分の人生における様々なことを走馬灯のように思い返していた。昔と今とで概ね思考回路はあんまり変わらないのだが、大学を卒業してから仕事を通して数々の経験をさせてもらい、場数を踏んだ分だけ度胸は付いたなぁと思うと同時に、あっという間に時は過ぎるのだと恐ろしくなった。(この恐怖は日々のふとした瞬間に度々襲ってくる)改めて、残りの人生時間もより有意義になるよう生きていこうと思えた旅となった。Kiitos FINLAND!


A story about the ears