Everything I see is a message

Until a few years ago, I worked as an in-house designer for a company in the design and development of fabric products as a profession. At that time, I frequently visited weaving factories in Japan and abroad, where they were producing. Piles of scraps were often seen in weaving factory. The scraps are, of course, from the fabric production process.

One type of machine for weaving fabric is the rapier loom. Rapier looms are suitable for mass production and are characterised by weaving while cutting off the weft threads on both sides of the fabric. In the textiles industry, the sides of the fabric are called “selvedge” and the truncated “selvedge” are called “discarded selvedge”. “Discarded selvedge” because they are discarded, simple as that. “Discarded selvedge” are fluffy ribbon-like, and collection of weft threads that, on closer inspection, are barely connected by two or three warp threads. In addition, ribbon-shaped, colourful and simply kawaii. I asked the factory worker, "Are you going to throw all these away?" He replied, "We have to pay for all of them to be disposed of”. Such a cute little thing to throw away...sacrilegious. (Some regions recycle “Discarded selvedge” as recycled wool and recycled cotton)

After that, I began to want to bring these “Discarded selvedge”, which were leaving in the shade, back into the light of day. I just kept on thinking and thinking until I produced a concept that made sense to me. It took several years. It was just at that time that corona overload, it was also a time to take a fresh look at everything that surrounds me now. And one day, when the dots of various elements were connected, “ANIMA FORMA” was born. And I can still clearly remember the chilling sensation I had at that time, I felt first-hand that everything is connected to everything else. The background music in my brain at that day was Yuming’s 'When Enveloped in Tenderness'. ♪Everything I see is a message~




それから私は、日陰のまま去りゆくこの「捨て耳」たちに再び日の目を浴びさせたいという思いが日に日に強くなっていった。数年の歳月を要し、あーでもないこーでもないと納得のいくコンセプトを生み出すまで、ひたすらに考えまくった。ちょうどその頃は、コロナ過ということも相まって今ある自分を取り巻く全てのことを一度見つめ直す時期でもあった。そして、いろいろな要素の点と点が一気に繋がったある日、ANIMA FORMAは誕生した。その時のゾクゾクする感覚は今でもはっきりと覚えているし、すべてのものごとは繋がっているということを身をもって感じた出来事だった。その日の私の脳内BGMは、ユーミンの「やさしさに包まれたなら」。♪目に映るすべてのことはメッセージ〜


Around this much is perfect