Around this much is perfect
ANIMA FORMA's artworks are made from “selvedge”, scraps from the production process of animal hair fabrics. Every year, when it is time for the production of animal hair fabrics, fluffy “selvedge” are sent from the weaving factories in the region. Animal hair includes wool, cashmere, mohair, alpaca and camel, and something like the sense of life that sheep and goats had when they lived as animals can be felt warmly even in their “selvedge” state as yarn.
The main body of animal hair fabric produced in the factory is mainly used for jackets, coats and other clothing fabrics, as well as for interior products such as blankets. The colours, patterns and materials of the fabrics produced vary according to the time of year and trends, and moreover, the factories are busy during peak season, so it is not possible to specify the colour of the “selvedge” that I want. I just told the factory, "When you have a collection of animal hair-based selvedge, please send them to me!" So what colour and what kind of “selvedge” are in the cardboard box I receive is a surprise when I open the box. I love that feeling of excitement, like when you open a goody bag every time. (I'm not much of a grab bag buyer.) There's a lot of stuff in it today! or another day it's white again... I'm full of white, or it's all black... or oh, this time it's a good green! And so on.
The most enjoyable time is when I have these “selvedge” gathered like that in front of me, and I am imagining what kind of furries (beasts) I should make. Sometimes I think I'd like a duller yellow for the limbs of this flying squirrel, but then I could dye the “selvedge” my own colour yellow. But if I did that, it would diminish something like the real pleasure of making things from scraps. I want to respect the original individuality of these “selvedge”. It is more interesting to think of combinations from what already exists materials that can be used as patterns for furries (beasts), rather than creating them from scratch, as this can lead to new kinds of furries (beasts) that transcend the limits of one's own design. Well, it's a bit like, this yellow is a bit thin, but this is cute, so that's good. Each time, a compromise treaty is exchanged in my brain between “me” and “selvedge”.
I thought of this work as something similar, not going according to plan but positive. It's the same feeling as making a quick dinner with the leftovers in the fridge. I can't follow the recipe today because these are the only ingredients I have, but the result is delicious, something like that. In the actual production, it is not a quick and easy process, but when the materials available at the time were used to create an even more unique furry (beast), making use of the individuality of the materials, Yoshiharu Doi (Japanese cookery researcher) in my mind says, "It's good enough and nice" (means : adding and subtracting the good).
ANIMA FORMAの作品は、獣毛生地の生産過程で出る端材の「捨て耳」を材料としている。毎年獣毛生地の生産時期になると、それに合わせてふっさふさな「捨て耳」たちが産地の織物工場から送られてくる。獣毛には、ウール、カシミヤ、モヘア、アルパカ、キャメルなどが含まれており、羊やヤギが動物として生きていた時の生命感みたいなものは、「捨て耳」の糸となった状態からも温もりを感じることができる。